Austin Metaphysical Academy Established December 2013
Curandero Master Classes Start 2023
NEW! Corona Virus 19 Policy & Procedure at Austin Metaphysical Academy Due to Covid 19, we will teach the class (es) online & small class settings. AMA will conduct its classes and its administration with caution and will continue to work this way until further notice. We will run the Academy safely and healthy. If you are feeling sick, don’t feel comfortable, stay home or we will send you home. Online or Live feed might take place, per class, I cannot guarantee this. You can make up the class on a scheduled phone mentoring or you can redo the class in future class (es). Inform Ricardo of your illness, [email protected] If you have question(s) on this subject, let us know. We are only allowing 10 students per class environment. Allowing more students per class rule will change as time progresses, Get in contact with us quickly to reserve your spot for in class (es) if you are coming to the class. We are moving forward with the State of Texas Guidelines.
Welcome AMA Students! Austin Metaphysical Academy Headquarters is located in Austin, Texas and we are proud to Educate, Train and Develop those who are seeking the understanding of what is or how the Metaphysical Community works. The Academy is built to teach different modalities in the field of Psychic Development, Mediumship, Reverendship, Metaphysical Business, Metaphysical Marketing, Texas Curanderismo Techniques, and Financial Abundance, Angel Workshops, Metaphysical Body, Reiki Master Program, Animal Reiki, Spiritual Reiki, Angelic Reiki and much more to name a few. We also do distance learning, mentor, one to one or over the phone, Emails can also be done, via TEXT too. We help in every way we can. You want to learn Metaphysics? Your in the right place.
Come and join our Meetup Group: *** The meetup group will keep you posted of what class(es) we have to offer and you will be kept up to date. ***
Take an Online Class with Austin Metaphysical Academy With the World Changing we at AMA have to change also. We are now offering Online Classes! click on Image to the right to get started. We also offer ZOOM Classes!
AMA Student Information for a Success
Do You want to get a Metaphysical Science Associates Degree!! We are now offering a Metaphysical Science Associates Degree, Click Here for More Information!
Do You want to get a Metaphysical Science Bachelors Degree!! We are now offering a Metaphysical Science Bachelors Degree, Click Here for More Information!
You can receive a Metaphysical Practitioners Diploma! Once you complete 4 Core Classes, to Find out how, Click Here!
AMA CLSP Program! For more information, Click Here! Class Level Summary Program (CLSP)
Life Experience Can be added towards your Degree at AMA, Click Here!
Our in house classes meet in Austin, Texas The Academy is here to help bring the Metaphysical Instructional Experience to Everyone. Our Goal is to Expand Spiritual practices, Metaphysical Knowledge and get experiences in this field, throughout Central Texas and it's surrounding areas.
NEW ACADEMY POLICY AND IT WILL CONTINUE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: If you are feeling sick, coughing, and feverish or any element that might get a student ill or instructor & staff. You need to stay home and make arrangements for one to one teaching via phone. Email Ricardo at [email protected] for more instructions.